Thursday, July 13, 2006

Someone out there really doesn't want me to go to Law School...

Ok, a few things of interest have happened in the last day or two. Here is the lowdown:

  • The battle for funding continues. Mr Bank Manager cannot apparently process my application because my bank account is in my middle name (which is the name I use on a daily basis) but my passport is in my first name. The fact that my passport also has my middle name clearly bears no relevance to the situation. As a result I today marched into my bank and demanded they change the name (I mean if it was likely to be a problem, how could they even let me OPEN a bank account in a name that wasn't exactly the same as that on my passport). Which they did but now tell me they can't provide me with a statement with my new name until the 5th August. Which I believe to be utter rubbish. So I am calling them tomorrow and saying many very very nasty things to demand an answer. Obviously to clarify - my law school fees are due on the 1st of August so the 5th of August really isn't going to be much use.
  • I went to see my law school for the first time. You may be in shock that I would have accepted a place in an institution I had not yet laid eyes on, but reputation was more important than physical appearance. However it is very nice. It is by no means quaint and historic like I like academic institutions to be, but more like a law firm. Apparently that's the point according to my very wise law student friend who has already finished his conversion course in Manchester in the same institution and is coming to join me in London for his LPC. He also gave me some valuable information about the processes and things and generally made me feel rather impatient about getting to go.

  • On a point leading from this, apparently London Law School is rather full of stereotypical arrogant rugby players and identikit blondes with a trustfund. This upset me as I like breaking the stereotype of being blonde and stupid but apparently I am not the only one. How upsetting. Although my law student friend attempted to pacify me by suggesting that none of them are as pretty and as clever as me, I did have a sneaking feeling he was lying... who says I don't have intuition!

  • I found the suggested "pre-course reading" today on the Law School website. I was excited about this as I did not know there was pre-course reading and can't now wait to start doing it. But I don't feel like I should until I actually know I am GOING or I would be very upset...

  • Me and Miss S have booked our flights and car hire for our US roadtrip. This is by far the most exciting news of the day but was somewhat downplayed by the horridness of my bank. However we are now definitely going, which means I am definitely quitting my job law school or no law school as the flights are booked and I don't have any holiday left.

  • Poirot is better. He is coming home on Saturday and on Sunday I will be carrying out a major application programme. Tonight I had the privilege to get a loan laptop from Miss B (flatmate) as she has gone out and is working from home tomorrow. She did offer her Mac too but those things just confuse the hell out of me. So I have gone through all my remaining application needs, listed the questions I already have answers to and those I need to answer and on which ones, and have a good starting point for Sunday.

These interesting developments have led to a somewhat unpleasant feeling overall today, as the stress of law school fees is becoming considerably heavy to bear. I just want it sorted so I can focus on the exciting things like the pre-course reading, shopping for law school things, and the ROADTRIP!!!!!!

I will now continue to muse my answers to the following, completely stupid questions I have encountered on training contract applications:

  • What is the biggest non-academic decision you've ever had to make? I'm guessing the choice between the pink and the black shoes, or the pinot and chenin blanc is not an acceptable one? What a ridiculous question, all my major decisions so far have been somehow academically related!

  • Describe a situation where you have been given a challenging situation with no guidance? How did you deal with it? - Surely this is a trick question. If you say you just got on with it, they might think you can't ask for advice. So presumably you should say you tried to get guidance from elsewhere. But then you're not really answering the question because they already told you that you got no guidance.
  • My personal favourite - Describe a situation where you worked successfully with others and what your contribution was. - OK, I work in teams every sodding day at work. All the time. Unfortunately so much so that picking just one example has become impossible. I can't actually think of one single example to put down. And there are bound to be hundreds. I don't like these "example" questions. Humph.

On that note (and this impossibly long blog entry) I will be off to do something else. Research law firms supposedly but I am feeling to an extent a bit fed up with brain-activity so may just go to bed. And have nightmares about big giant cheques for law school fees chasing me down the South Bank.

1 comment:

Gavin Whenman said...

"London Law School is rather full of stereotypical arrogant rugby players and identikit blondes with a trustfund."
So true it's just not funny... and I'm only on the LL.B! Next time you see arrogant ruggers guys, turn down their collars, they'll hate it.

And is doing a competition to find the most ridiculous training contract application form question, go to to submit your entry