Monday, July 17, 2006

Hot Damn...Summer in the City

It is very very hot.

Today it was about 32C. Tomorrow and Wednesday it will be about 35C. Thankfully the horrid humidity of the last heatwave is not so pre-eminent this time so it's actually quite nice that it's hot. Proper summer for once. Of course this is much aided by the fact that we have air-con at work and some of my poor friends are really suffering, who don't.

One more application has been finished today thanks to good effort from myself and Poirot. It is taking a very long time to get them all completed so I sure hope I get something out of it!

I was rather impressed with my efforts to include football in my answers - one of the questions was to describe a recent commercial event I had been interested in and I wrote about the Italian Serie A match-fixing scandal. Very pleased.

Today is slow and will remain a short post as they somehow always degenerate to pages and pages.


1 comment:

The 'Twenty-Something' said...


Get out the sun cream and's gonna get hotter!

Miss H