Friday, September 01, 2006

My week of interviews - Part III

Today's interview - corporate giant with reputedly evil interview.

Not so evil. They have been my number one choice since I started looking into firms, and they remain so still. Now all I need is for them to offer me a training contract.

The questions weren't too bad, thankfully, and there were only a couple that I had issues answering, but I just don't know what they thought of me. These included "What exactly do you think we do in a typical day" and "should law firms represent unethical companies" - oh yes, that one again! Ethics are going to be my downfall!!! In terms of interview technique I think I did fine, in terms of fitting in they're probably a better judge than me. And if they think I am unethical (although I'm really very very nice and was trying to be less moralistic than last time, when it went down like a lead balloon) then that could pose a problem.

News next week. No news from Part II yet either. Watch this space. I really like this firm and I think I did ok, but then the same happened before and I didn't get anywhere.

Plan B is if I don't get a TC then it's definitely a sign from the Universe that I should be a barrister.

1 comment:

Susie Law School said...

Ed - I should clarify.

I am very much aware of how difficult it is to be a barrister, that is why I really struggled with the decision of which way to go when I was deciding on lawyerdom.

That comment was by no means random - it was what I was thinking I would want to do originally but I'm a scaredy cat and knew it would be so much harder and I would never be able to afford it, so I cut my losses and considered my options and decided to go for the other route. That's not to say I won't make a kick-ass solicitor and am now not insanely dedicated to it, but that is the way the cookie crumbles.
