Sunday, August 20, 2006

Death by interview

So tomorrow is round two of midsize City firm interviews. I am unprecedentedly unprepared, unless you count horror interview #1 in June when I knew nothing. I couldn't even answer questions about myself. It went something like this:

Evil Interviewer: So what do you think about private individuals funding political parties
Me: (making a really stupid, inadvertent face to clearly show that I had no idea what to say) Um... I guess its ok... I mean as long as its regulated and stuff
Evil Interviewer: So how exactly would you regulate it?
Me: Um... I guess you could have like a law or something
Evil Interviewer: (at this point starting to look bored and stare out of the window) Well do you really think that would work?
Me: I wish the ground would swallow me whole.

Ok so I didn't really say that but the conversation went along this tack for a while until he evidently decided he had tortured me enough and went on to the next evil question. Obviously when I thought about it a bit more I realised that was really not my opinion at all and I later found out it had been a significant current affair in the previous weeks.

So I've been reading the paper, watching the news and all sorts. I've also been trying very hard to prepare my "why law" answers because that is by far my weakest area. I have my stock answers to stuff now but I imagine that in a second round interview it will be more generic than going through my CV. It will be far more evil, and being with two people, far more difficult. Must remember not to show emotion to any questions. Must have opinions about current affairs. Must sound intelligent and look at people in the eye. Must have intelligent questions. Must not look nervous.

Oh crap this is gonna suck!

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