Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Random thoughts...

... that I had on the way from the library to the PC.

1) It's 5.30 and it's still quasi-light. That means it's nearly summer. Hurrah!

2) My wisdom teeth are coming out a week tomorrow. I'm worried. And I'm going to miss lots of law school on account of it, as if I needed any more days of not doing work. And I'm going to miss the lecture on search dogs - which is monumentarily unfair since there will be an ACTUAL dog!! :(

3) You would think that a Law School would be on top of issues to do with Occupiers' Liability and would fix the dodgy piece of carpet sticking out in the library. I nearly tripped.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Chip Matthews - the update

So, dear readers, I'm sure you have all been on the edge of your seats waiting to hear how it worked out - well I must say, it wen't quite well!

He is very yummy and we actually got on pretty well, no arrogance of any of that which I was expecting.

So, disappointingly I have no amusing anecdotes to tell you about how he is a complete idiot and how I walked out after half an hour in shock that I had ever agreed to go out with him. Nope, none of that.

Might even be seeing him again... yummy...

The downside is that I did no work on Thursday (on account of staying in all day so I could get ready at the last possible minute before my seminars) and did no work yesterday morning (on account of feeling rather queasy all morning thanks to the mussels we had the night before) and hardly any work yesterday evening after lectures (on account of feeling very tired).

Men interfering with law school... not good...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chip Matthews

There is an episode in Friends where Monica goes out with Chip Matthews, the hot guy from High School who everyone fancied, but she never had a chance when she was at school.

This is happening to me. It's amazing how real life imitates television.

At University there was a very hot guy, let us call him Bob*. He had a friend, called Chip* who was also very fit. They never spoke to us. Ever. They were the cool guys.

So now, the amazingness that is Facebook, has led to Chip getting in touch with me. It is all very odd, and me and Miss B have had many a conversation about the hystericalness of it. Particularly as he contacted her ALSO. So there are many a conspiracy theory going around our house at the moment about what exactly he is after. Arguably that is pretty clear, although I don't know him well enough to judge.

He has now asked me to meet him for a drink. I can hear you all going "No, don't do it, he's only after one thing".

Well I'm gonna. He's hot. Major league hot. So I will go out with Chip Matthews, because I can. If he's only after one thing, so be it. At least I can say I went out with Chip Matthews...

*names have been changed to protect identities

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Coursework is done!

First piece of coursework handed in yesterday. Yay! Managed to get it down to 1489 words as well! Not sure if it's any good but at least it's over and done with.

Yesterday in particular the library was full of people doing the reading and trying to get the work done, I'm quite glad I did the reading before we got the question, less stress that way.

Now the next obstacle is the 4000 word essay due for April. 4000 words is nothing, my Master's thesis was 16000, but it feels like somewhat more of a difficulty. Probably because there is enough reading and work to be getting on with even without it, and I would love to just catch up on all my normal subjects.

Watch this space, there are bound to be dramas, but after today I feel quite good about it!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The art of procrastination

I have my first assessed piece of work due on Wednesday. It's nothing serious, just a problem question requiring an answer of strictly 1500 words. It's worth a mere 5% of my final grade yet I'm getting a tad consumed with it.

Originally I wanted the whole thing written and over with by yesterday. As you can imagine, that did not happen. I'm still going. I have all the information down now, but I still have 1949 words. So I'm trying to clean it up, but I have developed an impressive skill for procrastination, something I never used to have before. The computer is a distraction - there's instant messenger, there are games... there's my blawg... it's all going very very wrong.

I blame the information age for my academic demise.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Legal Practice Course

My letter came on Friday, acceptance onto the LPC. Not news in itself since my law school automatically accepts all GDL students onto their LPC. So that was nice.

I have to specify which electives I want to do next year - unfortunately my law firm want me to do Property which I am not keen on. However there is no compulsory seat in property so I'm not sure I get that really... but in any case I have no choice in the matter and have to do it. But all I can do is make the best of it and hope it will be interesting.

In addition I'm going to do M&A and equity finance, so those two at least I am very keen to do. Yay!