Monday, April 09, 2007

Welcome to the world of revision

So Mummy and Daddy Law School's visit is over and revision has officially started. My social life is officially on hold until the 11th of June, apart from a few carefully selected engagements to break up the studying. It's quite exciting, albeit a little bit stressful but I have never been one to shy away from a challenge. If I didn't thrive on a little stress there really wouldn't be any point in becoming a lawyer.

This week I will be mostly finishing off all the reading I should have done during the year but didn't have time to/couldn't be bothered to do and highlighting and tagging all the relevant provisions from my statute books, ready for the exam.

My carefully selected social engagements are drinks with the girls tomorrow and a friend's birthday on Friday. But there will be no excessive drinking or suchlike, as the rest of the time will involve military-style precision for getting to the library and taking regularly scheduled breaks.

I hear many of you saying that it all sounds a bit too structured and organised, but that's how I function. Deal with it. It works and who am I to mess with a working formula?

Oh and Legally Blonde is on TV on Wednesday so obviously I will be watching that!


Gavin Whenman said...

11th June - my birthday :-D

Good luck with the revision :-)

Anonymous said...

May 17th for me.
A few extra weeks to procrastinate would be lovely :(