Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dear presumptuous person...

... who left a comment that I chose to delete because it upset me.

You don't know me, please don't pretend you do. You are more than welcome to have an opinion as after all, I don't write much about my personal life and this blawg is really only about Law School. But please do not make presumptions about the rest of my life based on it. My life is absolutely fine thank you very much. Just because I only write about studying does not mean I haven't got a perfectly vibrant social life, as many will testify.

I realise I do not have to justify myself to you, but people who make generalisations based on incomplete information annoy me.

Thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

You go, girl. Besides, who cares what some blog-reading comment-leaving comment leaver says? The Lawyer thinks you're cool, and that's all that really matters.

Lise Johnston said...

People only get to see a shadow of a real person when reading somebody's blog. We self-edit, exagerate, embellish and add our own interpretations onto people and events. All readers should know this and should not presume that they know the people whose blogs they read. And we as bloggers should feel free to delete whatever we want. Don't feel bad about it at all!

Josephine Bloggs said...

How very rude! I say sentence them to death by land law! Starting with s. 2 of the Law of Property Act 1925 and we'll keep reading from there until they turn into a Statu[t]e.

Seriously, I never did see why people feel the need to pass personal judgment on things entirely unrelated to the contents of a blog. Usually an indication of an inadequacy in the "blog-reading comment-leaving comment leaver", I find.

You know the rest of us think you're great ;)

Anonymous said...

Is your social life as vibrant as the pink font you use...?

Anonymous said...

Yeah sorry about that. Won't happen again.

Susie Law School said...

Hehe Lawdent it wasn't you.... in case anyone now thinks it was and you get abuse.

Thank you for the kind comments everyone, it's nice to hear. And yes my pink is pretty vibrant but it would be all kinds of wrong if my blawg wasn't mostly pink!

After all, I wear enough of it!

Law Apprentice said...

I officially love this blog, enough said

Susie Law School said...

Ooh another new person! how exciting! All these blawgs popping up left right and centre...