Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ok, it's gone...

...All I did was post what was on a number of other blawgs and people got so PISSY! I wasn't accusing anyone, just repeating what I heard, not saying it was fact, was I!?! Nobody else got abuse!*

So calm down people, it's gone. I can't be bothered with it anymore.

*Please note that some people did post politely that they thought I was wrong, this is not aimed at you, this is aimed at the people who were just unnecessarily mean and bitchy.


Accidental Lawstudent said...

Dear Susie,

I think it's probably because loads and loads of people actually read your blog, whereas I have to spend hours refreshing mine to make the hit counter look even vaguely respectable.

I'm not sure why they keep picking on you, though. Need me to come sort them out? :D

Anonymous said...

What did I miss?