Friday, December 01, 2006

A particular law student...

... in continuation to this post, today I want to tell you about another type of law student.

This is "the annoying loser everybody hates".

Now you might think this is in response to a particular occurrence and you might be right, but obviously as a disclaimer and to avoid being sued, I must state that this is all pure conjecture and none of this really happened... ahem...

So it's the hypothetical guy (or girl, in these times of political correctness) who knows everything and feels that what he has to say is more important than what the lecturer has to say. He will interrupt with an entirely unrelated comment only to hear the sound of his own voice and refer to his previous career at another specialist field to undermine the lecturer, comment on his pronounciation of medic... I mean specialist field terms, and tell what he believes to be funny anecdotes that are received by other students with groans and laughter.

This person is not hugely popular, as you can imagine. Even with the lecturers. They have to actually tell him to stop talking. In a nice diplomatic way of course, but they must say they will only take questions at the end and continue the lecture. And then take questions from other people.

Hypothetically of course. This person doesn't really exist.


Gavin Whenman said...

Yep, this type of guy/girl is definitely at Reading too.

prettylawchick said...

He definately exists at my school too!!


Anonymous said...

sounds like fun!! hehe hope u r feeling better, and of COURSE you will get a distinction whatever, how could u not! hope u r good anyways catch up soon... yay i can post on your blog now! xxx