Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holidays are coming...

Oh yes you all know it, nearly Christmas!

Screw political correctness and screw Jesus, I love Christmas even with all its commercialised trimmings! I don't love it BECAUSE of the commercial trimmings, but in spite of them. So why do I?

For a start I'm at my parents'. And there is a never-ending supply of food in the house. It is perfectly acceptable to eat dinner three times a day and an oft-spoken phrase that passes between me and my mum is "what shall we eat next?". *

There is no reason whatsoever to leave the house, and if you do it's nice and quiet everywhere and no people and stuff for when we decide to take little walks and stuff. I also like to see my parents liking the presents I got them (hopefully). And we make puzzles. Everyone is merry and we sit at the table and eat dinner and my dad makes conversation (ok, so that's probably because we have guests) and doesn't get up until we've all finished. And the three of us all watch films together and stuff. There are lots of benign films on TV and me and mum can watch Disney films and Crime Dramas. While eating of course. Generally just nice family time.

Everywhere has pretty lights and plays Christmas music.

The Coca-Cola ad is on tv. Holidays are coming etc. With the big truck with pretty lights. Although they've changed it this year and I want to make an official complaint. But I saw the proper ad today and jumped up and down and my mum laughed at me.

*next week - New Year's resolution is to join the gym... although I don't make resolutions, but if I did!

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