Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Old guys it's ok to fancy, Part 2

Yes, I'm still ill and not doing any work and depressed, so as a cheer-up tactic: second in my series of old guys its ok to fancy. Jason Isaacs. Need I say more?

And those of you who have no idea who he is - Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter. There's something about that hair!


The 'Twenty-Something' said...

Oh Susie - you're illness is making you delusional!!

Grab some medicine and get well soon...

Miss H

P.S. Think about posting Brosnan or Clooney next time.

Susie Law School said...

Alas, ladies our tastes differ.

Not a big fan of Clive or Brosnan, although of course I have a special spot in my heart for George!

The 'Twenty-Something' said...
