Monday, October 02, 2006

Types of Law Student

Today I learned about Equity and Trusts law and received some refresher information about, statutory interpretation, judicial precedent, mens rea and suchlike. 700 students in one room is a tough crowd, especially when they've been there for seven hours of lectures already. However, the final speaker, a pro bono lady, had this to contribute and it amused me.

There are three types of law student:

1. The Idealist

Those who come to law school to change the world, make the world a better place and assist those less fortunate than themselves. They have a "cause" they are passionate about, something that gets them going (you may be surprised that "sex" does not qualify, an answer that had been given by a guy the previous year). They are keen, excited and ready to go to save the puppies, reduce poverty or make the government feed hungry orphans. This is why they are becoming lawyers and this is why they do pro bono.

2. The Corporate Fat Cat

The students heading for the City firms, ready to jump into action on cross-border transactions and sign on the dotted line for their Porsches. They're competitive, hard-working overachievers. They do pro bono to make themselves feel better and to make themselves look good. They work for law firms that do pro bono to make the firm look good. Or they like puppies.

3. The Slacker

They came to Law School because they didn't really know what they would want to do with their life, and it seemed like a good way to kill two years without having to get a real job. They're not interested in any particular area of law and they do pro bono because they can't think of anything else to do.

I have in my two days' experiences so far found some other law school stereotypes that are a whole different categorisation altogether. In the meantime, can you guess which of these categories I belong to? Yeah thought so, pretty easy.



buffalodawg said...

You say meow at the end of your post to give it all away, fat cat.
Since you are British and said meow though, it still reminds me of Jane's line in Coupling:
I am the lord your god..., meow!
Don't know how popular that show was in the UK, but it is on BBC America all the time.

Susie Law School said...

LOL it was my intention to give it away with the meaow!

I haven't really watched said show but it think it's quasi-popular. Nothing of the fame of others like Friends and suchlike though.