Saturday, January 05, 2008

Susie's back... back again...

Happy New Year, one and all! I hope you are all sufficiently well fed and rested, ready for new challenges.

My holiday at home with Mum and Dad Law School was lovely, thanks for asking.

This year has so far not started so well though. But here are some thoughts to get you going.

1. Isn't it amazing how failure in one sphere of your life can have a completely debilitating impact on your self-esteem in all other areas? As much as one tries to be rational about such things, it is sometimes quite hard to pigeonhole one area of life from others. Let us say, hypothetically, you failed your driving test. This could easily lead to some, albeit temporary, sentiment, that you are also stupid and will fail all your exams.* Currently I'm experiencing some self-doubt of this kind. I'm a rational person and I know it's not a permanent state of affairs, and I know that this said failure does not imply inadequacy in other areas but it SUCKS!

2. The above has led me to further consider the fact that I'm not really very good at anything. I'm above average in some things, but I'm not really great at anything. This probably is true of most people, but it is rather irritating. It would be nice to have something at which I am just really really good. I realise this is my competitive streak rearing its ugly head again but it's been so quiet recently!

3. This leads me to my final point which is to tell you that Competitive Susie lost out in the end, and Logical Susie powered through with the outlining. The mocks went somewhat ok, of course results will only arrive next week and at that point we shall see how well she fared.

Apologies for the somewhat negative and philosophical stance to this post, the year has started disappointingly thus I have decided to pass on the (lack of) joy to you, dear readers, and hope this will have a cathartic effect on the near future at least!

*FAOD I passed my driving test eight years ago, this is just an illustrative example.


Poppy said...

Hey SLS,

I think the cure for this is simple - if unconventional:

Relax and don't worry for a day about the course, get some of your best friends over, drink a little wine, have lots of chocolate, and have them say lots of nice things to you... When you are completely relaxed, you can lick your wounds and pick yourself up ... If you attempt to do that sooner or simply continue the internal doubt, I think the feelings will continue!! That is my perscription anyway.

Hope it helps!


Susie Law School said...

Thanks, LL, the particular event in this case was un-Law School related but sound advice all the same!