Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm in the Lawyer!!!

I have well and truly arrived.

This week, my blawg was featured in The Lawyer! There I was, about to launch into reading about proper legal news, and nearly fell out of my chair when I realised that Web Week, the bit that rates exciting blawgs, had me in it!

They particularly liked this post and compared me to James Joyce! Very exciting! Unfortunately the link was incorrect but I look forward to a correction in next week's issue... (although I doubt it because I can't imagine I am important enough :()

Although I must apologise to the Lawyer - they see a fine personal injury lawyer in me apparently, but this is an unlikely outcome. Hopefully my skills will not go unnoticed in something transactional, which is much more likely.

But yay!!! It's like I'm famous!!!


Anonymous said...

Woo grats!! :-)

So you want to go into business law or something similar, then?

Susie Law School said...

Yes, I'm going to a firm in the City so something commercial is the plan!

Anonymous said...

I am sure something could be arranged, Susie. We can't have people missing out on your fine, fine blawg and pretty picture!

The 'Twenty-Something' said...

I've just seen it!!!!!!


Soooo going to mention it on UK:LC.

Miss H

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you thought that you had arrived last week, by this point in the proceedings you have well and truly taken off!

You now have a mention both in the Web weekly section AND Tulkinghorn - impressive!

Hows the coursework going by the way?


oddchild said...

Great blog, takes me back....