Friday, November 24, 2006

I've been tagged... Rachel-Catherine...

I never say never but here goes, slightly modifiedly. 10 things I'm 99.9% sure I will not ever be likely to do. I imagine these should be in order of least likely as number one, but mine are just going to be random.

  • Voluntarily have children/give birth (you hear all kinds of horror stories though... yikes!)

  • Intentionally kill someone or commit a serious criminal offence

  • Vote Tory

  • Join the army or any similar fighting-related organisation

  • Stop liking pink, or shoes, or pink shoes or my mum and dad (I realise thats actually more than one thing but I'm trying to fit it all in!)

  • Date a chav or uber-religionite

  • Voluntarily hold a tarantula or other arachnid (although that kinda counts together with the above since holding one would probably constitute cruelty since I don't like them, but if they jump on me I don't really have much choice!)

  • Take drugs (apart from medication obviously, I'm referring here to like Heroin and things like that...)

  • Star in a reality show such as Big Brother or "I used to be a celebrity please watch me desperately plead I don't get sent out of here"

  • Marry someone I don't love for money or status. I'd rather have my own thanks.

    I won't tag people because I don't know who would do this, but if you read my blog and do it, please link to me too!

    Happy weekend!!


  • 1 comment:

    Praguetory said...

    Hey, what have you got against Tories?