Sunday, August 06, 2006

All the forms are done!

Now my fate belies with the powers that be, in other words the recruitment teams at Dewey, Cheatham and Howell LLP and co, who are clearly riddled with other wannabe trainee lawyers looking for a place to lay their law books.

Success rate of getting interviews has been ok so far (could do with a few more please) but it's getting through the interviews that is far more stressful. And also so much more upsetting to be rejected at that point! Had one on Thursday and I will be very sad if they don't invite me back as it was a lovely little firm and I think I did pretty well.

If I didn't it will be even more scary the next time! :(

Now all the applying is over and done with I can start focusing on hotel search in Savannah, GA. And the pre-course reading for Law School. Yes I'm odd I know!



Gavin Whenman said...

Good luck with all the interviews :-)

The 'Twenty-Something' said...

Hey S,

Love the improved profile!

Note: it's not the dogs themselves that cost a bundle - it's the cost of pampering the lil' things...

You'll be fine

Miss H

Susie Law School said...

Thanks guys!

I think although I am ready for my small dog, like you say, I'm not ready for the costs attached.

Although I don't think I could ever go as far as dressing my dog, but it would look cute in my handbag.

Maybe I can borrow one for the first day of Law School to freak people out... tee hee
