Friday, February 29, 2008

During recent upgrade work...

There was a glitch. It seems my blogroll reverted back to an earlier form and is all out of whack. If you used to be on my blogroll and no longer are, please let me know. If you were never on it but would like to be, let me know and I will include you if you are worthy.


Anonymous said...

shall you continue your blog once you are finished? what will you be then, susie lawyer?

Reggae Barrister said...

I was beginning to wonder if I was no longer worth the read. LOL. Would love to be on that roll again. Can't believe! It seems almost like yesterday when i was reading your blog and decided that hell i am gotta do this and document it as best as I could. Now I am facing my first exams in 2 months and can't wait to share with whomever will read. Thanks for the inspiration again.

Ps I have been trying to track down Legally Blonde 2 for a watch. No success

Silly Little Law Student said...

I think I was on your blogroll. Put me back! Please :)

Anonymous said...

Love the colour Scheme Susie Law School... I would be delighted to be returned toi your blogroll :-)