Thursday, November 15, 2007

Work glorious work!

Currently I have a surplus of it. I started consolidation this week and that was actually quite helpful, particularly for property which I was slightly despairing with originally but now am pretty confident it will be fine...

I've just completed a 'to-do'-list for the five remaining weeks of term and it is looking pretty full. To be honest, I prefer it that way as it will motivate to work hard.

Mock exams take place te last week of term - one in property, one in BLP (Business Law and Practice) and one in Civil Litigation. I mused briefly with the idea of just turning up and doing my best without any revision but that thought didn't last long - instead I've decided to attempt a reasonable amount of revision for two reasons:

1) I want to get an idea of what the exams will be like in a more realistic way - my downfall on the conversion was not knowing what to expect in exams!
2) There will be less work to do for the actual exams as I will have already gone through the topics in the mocks and can simply alter or supplement my revision notes.

Organising what work to do is such fun. Doing it is sometimes a rather different matter... wish me luck!

1 comment:

Reggae Barrister said...

Here's to wishing you luck.